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日期: 2024年8月9日 - 2024年10月31日
時間: 上午10時至下午5時 (公眾及大學假期休息)
地點: 香港薄扶林香港大學鄧志昂樓饒宗頤學術館
查詢: 3917 5598





Inspirations of Dunhuang: Professor Jao Tsung-i’s Line Drawings in the Style of the Tang Dynasty


Professor Jao Tsung-i's profound connection with Dunhuang dates back to the 1960s. Disheartened by theprevalent belief that "Dunhuang is in China, but Dunhuang studies are in Japan," he was driven to revivethe study of Dunhuang. By chance, he encounterednumerous Dunhuang scrolls in France and Japan, which he used as source material for various scholarly and artistic publications. On many scrolls, after the manuscripts, he discovered line drawings spanning fromthe Northern Wei dynasty to the Tang and Song dynasties. While he had previously noted the rarity of authentic Tang dynasty paintings even today, he realizedthat the drawings behind these Tang dynasty scrolls were genuinely from that era. This discovery spurred him toconduct in-depth research and further developed his line-drawing style based on the manuscripts.

The exhibition features twelve artworks, carefully selected as the finest examples of Professor Jao’s Dunhuang line drawings. These pieces, including bird-and-flower subjects and Buddhist figures, reflect his unsophisticated yet flowing style rooted in the brushwork of the Tang period. Diverging from the depictions of Li Gonglin of the Song dynasty and Zhao Mengfu of the Yuan dynasty, his work marks a novel approach to this painting manner.