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藝道同行(四)─ 簫立聲藝術展

日期: 2017年9月12日 - 10月13日
時間: 上午10:00 - 下午5:00(星期一至五)
地點: 香港大學饒宗頤學術館(香港薄扶林 香港大學鄧志昂樓)
查詢: 3917 5598








In this year, Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole of The University of Hong Kong will organize a series of exhibitions - “The Companionship of Art”, displaying artworks by four artists who had a profound friendship with Professor Jao Tsung-i in the 60’s to 80’s of the 20th century, including Mr. Wong Hon-kiu, Mr. Peng Ximing, Mr. Van I-Pong, and Mr. Siu Lap-sing.

The last exhibition of the series will present Mr. Siu Lap-sing’s artworks.

In the late 50’s of the 20th century, Mr. Siu and Professor Jao, Mr. Van, and Mr. Peng had frequent contact, usually getting together at Professor Jao’s or Mr. Van’s place, discussing Chinese painting and producing artworks collaboratively. Professor Jao suggested Siu developing his own style in human figure painting based on Muxi Fachang and Liang Kai of the Song dynasty. Since then, Siu had combined the simplified technique of both masters and began his Lohan painting, and later it had become his characteristic art form. Starting from the 60’s, he has been called “Lohan Siu”.

In this exhibition, most of the artworks are collections of Professor Jao and his family, and some are from various collectors in Hong Kong, containing meticulous beauty-figure paintings in his early period and later works in the topic of Lohan, as well as landscape paintings, and collaborative paintings with Professor Jao. From these exhibits, the features of each phase of Mr. Siu are clearly demonstrated.